Interim Report on the views of Care & Support Workers Employed in Scotland’s Not for Profit & Private Sector Services
With a Foreword by Depute Regional Secretary Mary Alexander
Throughout the summer of 2022 Unite has been across the length and breadth of Scotland visiting Care Homes and Visiting Support and Care at Home Services. We have had hundreds of conversations with care and support workers in the Voluntary/Not-for-Profit and Private Sectors.
In addition to these conversations we have also been inviting members and workers from multiple employers to participate in a survey. This survey will remain open to new responders for the foreseeable future. However, it seems to us, that this interim report already represents the largest consultation with Scotland’s Care & Support Workers yet undertaken that directly references the Scottish Government’s National Care Service plans.
In addition to these conversations we have also been inviting members and workers from multiple employers to participate in a survey. This survey will remain open to new responders for the foreseeable future. However, it seems to us, that this interim report already represents the largest consultation with Scotland’s Care & Support Workers yet undertaken that directly references the Scottish Government’s National Care Service plans.
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Please note that a correction has been made to the diagram on page 13 and page 46. No error in figures just categorisation of figures. 97% of respondents say their wages are NOT keeping up with inflation.
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